The sample code below requires the .NET XML API.
using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using NuveiClient; namespace ApiTest { class AuthorizationSample { static void Main (string[] args) { String gateway = "nuvei"; // Gateway that will process the transaction. String terminalId = ""; // Terminal ID String currency = ""; // EUR/GBP/USD etc. // These values are specific to the cardholder. String cardNumber = ""; // The cardholders PAN (or SecureCard Card Reference); String trackData = ""; // track Data String encryptedTrack = ""; //encrypted Track for DukptCardDetails String ksn = ""; //ksn for DukptCardDetails int? formatId = null; // formatId for DukptCardDetails String applePayload = ""; // Apple Payload String GooglePayload = ""; // Google Payload String cardType = ""; // See our Integrator Guide for a list of valid Card Type parameters String email = ""; // (optional) Cardholders e-mail address for sending of a receipt String mobileNumber = ""; // (optional) Cardholders mobile phone number for sending of a receipt. Digits only, Include international prefix. String cardExpiry = ""; // Format: MMYY String cardHolderName = ""; // Cardholders name String cvv = ""; // (optional) 3 digit (4 for AMEX cards) security digit on the back of the card. String issueNo = ""; // (optional) Issue number for Switch and Solo cards. // These fields are for AVS (Address Verification Check). This is only appropriate in the UK and the US. String address1 = ""; // (optional) This is the first line of the cardholders address. String address2 = ""; // (optional) This is the second line of the cardholders address. String postcode = ""; // (optional) This is the cardholders post code. String country = ""; // (optional) This is the cardholders country name. String phone = ""; // (optional) This is the cardholders home phone number. // These values are specific to the transaction. String orderId = ""; // Unique Order ID for the transaction (max 12 chars). Used to identify the transaction in future. Double amount = 100; // Amount of transaction (should include the decimal point and decimal places) Boolean isMailOrder = false; // If true the transaction will be processed as a Mail Order transaction. This is only for use with Mail Order enabled Terminal IDs. String description = ""; // (optional) Transaction description // eDCC fields. Populate these if you have retreived a rate for the transaction, offered it to the cardholder and they have accepted that rate. String cardCurrency = ""; // (optional) This is the three character ISO currency code returned in the rate request. Double? cardAmount = null; // (optional) This is the foreign currency transaction amount returned in the rate request. Double? conversionRate = null; // (optional) This is the currency conversion rate returned in the rate request. String autoReady = ""; // (optional) Y or N. Automatically set the transaction to a status of Ready in the batch. If not present the terminal default will be used. Boolean multicur = false; // This should be false unless instructed otherwise. String billToFirstName = ""; // BillTo FirstName String billTolastName = ""; // BillTo LastName String xid = ""; //XID String cavv = ""; // CAVV String city = ""; // CITY String region = ""; // REGION String ipAddress = ""; // IPADDRESS String signature = ""; // SIGNATURE IList<CustomField> customFields = new List<CustomField> (); // CustomFields //customFields.Add ("name1", "value1")); //customFields.Add ("name2", "value2")); String recurringTxnRef = ""; // RECURRING TXN REF String secret = ""; // Shared Secret as configured in the Terminal Setup in your SelfCare System Boolean testAccount = true; XmlAuthRequest request = new XmlAuthRequest (terminalId, orderId, currency, amount, cardType); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (trackData)) { request.SetTrackData (trackData); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (encryptedTrack) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty (ksn) && formatId.HasValue) { request.SetDukptCardDetails (encryptedTrack, ksn, formatId.Value); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (applePayload)) { request.SetApplePayload (applePayload); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (GooglePayload)) { request.SetGooglePayload (GooglePayload); } else { request.SetCardNumber (cardNumber); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (cardExpiry) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty (cardHolderName)) { request.SetNonSecureCardCardInfo (cardExpiry, cardHolderName); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (cvv)) { request.SetCvv (cvv); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (cardCurrency) && cardAmount.HasValue && conversionRate.HasValue) { request.SetForeignCurrencyInformation (cardCurrency, cardAmount.Value, conversionRate.Value); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (email)) { request.SetEmail (email); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (mobileNumber)) { request.SetMobileNumber (mobileNumber); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (description)) { request.SetDescription (description); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (issueNo)) { request.SetIssueNo (issueNo); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (address1) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty (postcode)) { request.SetAvs (address1, address2, postcode); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (country)) { request.SetCountry (country); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (phone)) { request.SetPhone (phone); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (deviceId)) { request.SetDeviceId (deviceId); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (mpiref)) { request.SetMpiRef (mpiref); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (billToFirstName)) { request.SetBillToFirstName (billToFirstName); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (billTolastName)) { request.SetBillTolastName (billTolastName); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (xid)) { request.SetXid (xid); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (cavv)) { request.SetCavv (cavv); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (city)) { request.SetCity (city); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (region)) { request.SetRegion (region); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (ipAddress)) { request.SetIpAddress (ipAddress); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (signature)) { request.SetSignature (signature); } if (customFields != null && customFields.Count != 0) { request.SetCustomFields (customFields); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (recurringTxnRef)) { request.SetRecurringTxnRef (recurringTxnRef); } if (isMailOrder) { request.SetMotoTrans (); } if (multicur) { request.SetMultiCur (); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (autoReady)) { request.SetAutoReady (autoReady); } XmlAuthResponse response = request.ProcessRequest (secret, testAccount, gateway); String expectedResponseHash = Response.GetResponseHash (terminalId + response.UniqueRef + ((multicur) ? currency : "") + amount.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + response.DateTimeHashString + response.ResponseCode + response.ResponseText + secret); if (response.IsError == true) { Console.Out.WriteLine ("ERROR : " + response.ErrorString); //Handle Error Response } else if (response.Hash != expectedResponseHash) { Console.Out.WriteLine ("ERROR : Response HASH parameter not as expected. If live possible man-in-the-middle attack."); //Handle Invalid Hash scenario - inform merchant that transaction may have to be voided. } else { Console.Out.WriteLine ("RESPONSECODE : " + response.ResponseCode); if (response.ResponseCode.Equals ("A")) { //Handle success response } else { //Handle declined response } Console.Out.WriteLine ("RESPONSETEXT : " + response.ResponseText); Console.Out.WriteLine ("APPROVALCODE : " + response.ApprovalCode); Console.Out.WriteLine ("DATETIME : " + response.DateTimeHashString); Console.Out.WriteLine ("AVSRESPONSE : " + response.AvsResponse); Console.Out.WriteLine ("CVVRESPONSE : " + response.CvvResponse); Console.Out.WriteLine ("UNIQUEREF : " + response.UniqueRef); Console.Out.WriteLine ("HASH : " + response.Hash); //Handle Response } } } }
Perform a Refund (standard refunds can only be performed against authorized sale transactions that have already been put through the same account system. Also, the Order ID of the original sale must be unique.):
using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using $GatewayClient; namespace ApiTest { class RefundSample { static void Main (string[] args) { String gateway = "nuvei"; // Gateway that will process the transaction. String terminalId = ""; // Terminal ID String uniqueRef = ""; // Unique Reference of the transaction that you are looking to refund. This was returned in the auth response String orderId = ""; // Unique Order ID for the transaction (max 12 chars). Used to identify the transaction in future. Double amount = 10.0; // Amount of transaction String operatorName = ""; // Administrative operator performing the refund String reason = ""; // The reason why the refund was necessary String autoReady = ""; // (optional) Y or N. Automatically set the transaction to a status of Ready in the batch. If not present the terminal default will be used. String secret = ""; // Shared Secret as configured in the Terminal Setup in your SelfCare System Boolean testAccount = true; XmlRefundRequest request = new XmlRefundRequest (terminalId, amount, operatorName, reason); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (uniqueRef)) { request.SetUniqueRef (uniqueRef); } else { request.SetOrderID (orderId); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (autoReady)) { request.SetAutoReady (autoReady); } XmlRefundResponse response = request.ProcessRequest (secret, testAccount, gateway); String expectedResponseHash = Response.GetResponseHash (terminalId + response.UniqueRef + amount.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + response.DateTimeHashString + response.ResponseCode + response.ResponseText + secret); if (response.IsError == true) { Console.Out.WriteLine ("ERROR : " + response.ErrorString); //Handle Error Response } else if (response.Hash != expectedResponseHash) { Console.Out.WriteLine ("ERROR : Response HASH parameter not as expected. If live possible man-in-the-middle attack."); //Handle Invalid Hash scenario - inform merchant that transaction may have to be voided. } else { Console.Out.WriteLine ("RESPONSECODE : " + response.ResponseCode); if (response.ResponseCode.Equals ("A")) { //Handle success response } else { //Handle declined response } Console.Out.WriteLine ("RESPONSETEXT : " + response.ResponseText); Console.Out.WriteLine ("DATETIME : " + response.DateTimeHashString); Console.Out.WriteLine ("HASH : " + response.Hash); //Handle Response } } } }
Perform a eDCC rate request:
using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using NuveiClient; namespace ApiTest { class EdccRateSample { static void Main (string[] args) { String gateway = "nuvei"; // Gateway that will process the transaction. String terminalId = ""; // Terminal ID String cardBin = ""; // First 6 digits of the card number Double? baseAmount = null; // (optional) Amount of transaction in the base currency. If included the host will calculate and return the foreign currency amount String secret = ""; // Shared Secret as configured in the Terminal Setup in your SelfCare System Boolean testAccount = true; XmlRateRequest request = new XmlRateRequest (terminalId, cardBin); if (baseAmount != null) { request.SetBaseAmount (baseAmount.Value); } XmlRateResponse response = request.ProcessRequest (secret, testAccount, gateway); String expectedResponseHash = Response.GetResponseHash (response.TerminalCurrency + response.CardCurrency + response.ConversionRate.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + response.DateTimeHashString + secret); if (response.IsError == true) { Console.Out.WriteLine ("ERROR : " + response.ErrorString); //Handle Error Response } else if (response.Hash != expectedResponseHash) { Console.Out.WriteLine ("ERROR : Response HASH parameter not as expected. If live possible man-in-the-middle attack."); //Handle Invalid Hash scenario - inform merchant that transaction may have to be voided. } else { Console.Out.WriteLine ("TERMINALCURRENCY : " + response.TerminalCurrency); Console.Out.WriteLine ("CARDCURRENCY : " + response.CardCurrency); Console.Out.WriteLine ("CONVERSIONRATE : " + response.ConversionRate.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Console.Out.WriteLine ("EXCHANGERATESOURCENAME : " + response.ExchangeRateSourceName); Console.Out.WriteLine ("MARGINPERCENTAGE : " + response.MargineRatePercentage); Console.Out.WriteLine ("COMMISSIONPERCENTAGE : " + response.CommissionPercentage); Console.Out.WriteLine ("FOREIGNAMOUNT : " + response.ForeignAmount.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Console.Out.WriteLine ("DATETIME : " + response.DateTimeHashString); Console.Out.WriteLine ("HASH : " + response.Hash); //Handle Response } } } }